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Three Citrus Fruits That Can Clean Your House

The Maids • April 30, 2013

The next time you go to the produce section of your local grocery store, you might be shopping less for your favorite salad and more for your house cleaning needs. There are a lot of benefits to using natural cleaners, and some of the toughest hitters aren't found in bottles—they're found in the fruit aisle!

Lemons, oranges, and grapefruits all have unique ways of helping you around the house. Grab some at the grocery store and try out these neat tricks:


Hard water stains are notoriously difficult to tackle, but a couple of lemons can clean every hard water spot in your bathtub. Cut the lemon in half and use it as you would a sponge. No cleaner needed, the lemon itself cuts through the mineral deposits that cause the stain. It takes just a little scrub and barely any time at all!

Stains on copper come off easily with just two ingredients: salt and lemon. Cut the lemon in half, sprinkle some salt on it, and start gently scrubbing in circles. The stain will be gone in no time. In fact, lemons can be used on all sorts of stains, from food stains on your counter to oil stains on your clothes!


Grapefruits are the one-stop bathroom cleaner. Take two or three grapefruits into the bathroom, cut them in half, salt them and clean the whole room:

  • Bathtub cleaner that cuts some of the toughest bathtub rings.
  • Shower cleaner that takes on soap scum and water stains.
  • Sink cleaner that tackles stuck-on toothpaste with ease.
  • Counter cleaner that removes stains or soap residue.

You'll never look at a grapefruit the same way again, especially when your bathroom smells like fresh citrus all day!


Oranges are a common favorite fruit, but they're also great household helpers in their own right. Their biggest household help involves keeping creepy crawlies away:

Ants. It's one of the only proven, completely natural ant killers you can get, and it even works on highly resistant fire ants. It's the orange oil that does the killing, so you can either buy orange oil and mix it with water or puree orange peels with water to get an oil extract. 

Pour the mixture into and over the ant bed, and say goodbye to your ant problem.

Moths. No one likes the smell of mothballs, but no one likes moths eating up their clothes, either! This solution solves both problems: take an orange and put studs of cloves into the peel. Hang it up in your closet or put it in your chest to keep your clothes moth-free.

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