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Tips to Help Deal with Yellow Jackets in Your Home

The Maids • September 12, 2014

Nothing can ruin a picnic worse than yellow jackets. They are very aggressive insects on the constant lookout for proteins or sugars to snack on. Unlike bees, they can use their stinger multiple times, which is why its sting is so painful. The following tips should help you handle a yellow jacket infestation in your home or garden:

  • Make sure any outdoor trashcans are properly sealed, as yellow jackets are always looking for foods containing sugar or protein. Properly sealed trashcans prevent yellow jackets from buzzing around your lawn or garden.
  • If you are having an outdoor picnic with your family, make sure your soft drinks and food is tightly sealed till you eat them. 
  • If you have fruit trees, make it a point to regularly remove any fallen fruit
  • Check the outdoor areas of your home for yellow jacket nests. Once you identify the areas where these wasps exist, find out where they come from.
  • Decent lawn and garden stores sell traps for yellow jackets. Hang these traps around your outdoor areas to help control a yellow jacket infestation.
  • Despite all these measures, it is always better to hire a professional exterminator to help with your dealing with yellow jackets in your home. Exterminators have the necessary skills and tools to safely and effectively remove yellow jacket nests. However make sure you hire not only an experienced exterminator, but also a licensed one. 
  • Once the exterminator gets rid of all the yellow jackets, it is important that you maintain your garden and lawn areas around your home pretty well. Remove all the dry leaves and fallen dead branches as it prevents yellow jackets from returning and building nests in your garden once again. Clean outdoors help prevent yellow jackets and all other types of insects from making an infestation. 

The above tips should help you keep your home free of yellow jacket infestations. And if you need assistance with any of your housekeeping needs don’t hesitate to contact The Maids of Greater Boston, in Newton, Massachusetts

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