Have you ever seen something in a magazine or a friend’s house that seemed so simple and common sense, you were surprised it had never occurred to you before? That’s what this is all about. Take a look around your house—there are things sitting right in front of you that will solve little problems or serve wonderful functions in your house.
These are three favorites inspired by 50 All-Time Favorite New Uses for Old Things:
1. Chalk. In addition to being a favorite of teachers and kids, it’s also excellent at absorbing moisture. There are plenty of applications, but the two best are first, to keep silver from tarnishing, and second, to deodorize shoes.
The next time someone in your house takes off their smelly shoes, drop a couple of pieces of chalk in them. The chalk absorbs the moisture and the smell that comes with it. Unfortunately, there’s not much the chalk can do for stinky feet.
2. Tissue Boxes. If you have a plastic grocery bag collection being threatening to spill out of a drawer or closet, an empty tissue box works wonders. Just stuff the box with the plastic bags and then pull them out one at a time, just like you would a tissue!
3. Mousepad. If you have a padded mousepad (this doesn’t work with the plastic-coated versions), you can turn it into a trivet for your counters. No more hot pots on your delicate surfaces or hunting for pot holders or towels—just set your pot down on the padded mousepad.
A few brilliant ideas for reusing old items goes a long way in organization and cleanliness on a dime.
The Maids North Shore
607 North Avenue, Suite 11, Wakefield, MA 01880
The Maids Greater Boston
225 Riverview, Ave Auburndale MA 02466